FrontBase customer support is available to all FrontBase developers. We have different levels of support for customers of all shapes and sizes.

Getting Started

As you may require technical support while you are evaluating FrontBase, we provide 'Getting Started' support to all FrontBase customers. You can contact us with a support question by completing the on-line support form.

Bugs/Enhancement Requests

In line with our support policy, we encourage developers to mail us with issues that they consider to be bugs, or requests for enhancements to FrontBase. You can either mail these via the support channels, or you can use We are happy to receive not only product bugs, but also feedback on our customer support.

FrontBase Developer Connection

The FrontBase Developer Connection provides you not only with fully licensed product and support, but also the opportunity to earn points for Apple products on all purchases at FrontBase. To find out more, send an mail to or visit the 'Buy' section of our web site.


FrontBase has developed its own drivers to allow you to connect to your favourite development tools. Drivers include: PHP3 & 4, Perl, REALBasic, ODBC, JDBC, WO5 and Studio. You can obtain these from the download section of our web site. As these drivers are being developed on a regular basis, we would recommend that you keep an eye on this page for new updates of the driver you are using.


If you are using FrontBase for the first time, please register with us to obtain a license string for your download. All users are entitled to a free E-Starter license. If you need to evaluate further, then you can request a time expiry Developer license. This gives you all the features of a commercial FrontBase license, but without any deployment rights. For more details visit our 'Buy' page and select the license you require. Also visit the FAQs page in this support section for full details on licensing.