Christian Trotobas, ATR Services Internet, France:
When we began the development of the first e-commerce website for Leclerc-Cannes, a member biggest chain of franchise supermarkets in France, we heard about FrontBase. It was intended to be one of the fastest database servers on the market; in addition, it was available on multiple platforms, including MacOS X, OpenStep and WinNT.
Since the site was to be developed with the powerful WebObjects framework from Apple, the database server had to offer an EOF compatible adaptor, which FrontBase™ does.
As a beta-tester for almost 6 months, we have been able to appreciate FrontBase scalability and rapidness, and its affordable cost, both in resources and price. Most of all, we found an invaluable support for any demands we have had, with solutions within the hour. The support from is as impressive as FrontBase is fast.
You could find the first part of the Leclerc-Cannes project on It is a 3,000 products on-line store, which will grow up to almost 30,000 before the end of the year.
You are welcome to contact Christian Trotobas ( for information about the Leclerc-Cannes project and the experiences with FrontBase and